Contact Info

"People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people."

Kaeser Konsulting Web

Kaeser Konsulting had been operating as a father/son partnership that outgrew its usefulness. As a result, Kaeser Konsulting LLC is not longer an operational business. We are still available to assist in networking and computer advice, and if there are questions we may be reached via the Contacts page.

This web site will be expanding over time, with information pertaining to much more than the UFO subject that it now emphasizes. This will be an area that I can use to emphasize interests and also acknowledge some that should receive mention.

With regard to the UFO subject, I am hoping to provide an outlet for some UFO publications that have been produced in limited quantities by the Fund for UFO Research (and others). I will also continue to make PDF and Audio files available for download, with some additions from time to time.

The views expressed herein are my own, and you are invited to peruse this site as a guest. If you have any suggestions or information that should be included, please contact me at

[Copyright 2006 - Steven W. Kaeser]